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Skye's advice on building confidence

Published Date: 18 Apr 2024

Confidence is a rollercoaster. There will be days where you feel down and not good about yourself, and there will be days where you feel amazing. That’s completely normal for that to happen. It happens to everyone, and remember that it’s a journey.

I struggle a lot with confidence and feeling good about myself – I get days where I feel awful about my deafness and all I want to do is hide from it and not let other people see. However, there are days where it’s the opposite and I am ready to talk about it and let people see my cochlear implants.

You have to remember not to put pressure on yourself and do whatever you are comfortable with as it’s your journey, not anyone else’s. It you want to show them off, then do it! They are yours to show off and feel proud of as it makes you who you are, and you should be so proud of yourself.

You have been on such a journey to get to where you are now, so remember that and remember all the obstacles you overcame. We are all so proud of you and can’t wait to see what you get up to in the future.

Stay empowering,
Skye x


Skye (22) is severely to profoundly deaf and uses cochlear implants. You can follow Skye on Instagram at @deaf.empowerment_ where she promotes deaf awareness.