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Kenzie turns five

Published Date: 07 Sep 2023

Wow, where does the time go? I can't believe my little baby is five already! He had his first big boy party this year and chose a dinosaur disco party. He invited all his friends and had the most amazing time playing on the bouncy castle and showing off his best dance moves.

Kenzie is growing into such a sociable, bubbly and friendly boy who isn't afraid to speak to anyone. He makes friends easily wherever we go, and he’s filled with so much confidence.

He doesn’t let his ears become a barrier. He’s proud of his cochlear implants, and if anyone asks he’s confident enough to tell them all about his magic ears and how they work. He even shows them how he can't hear if he takes the magnet off. He calls them his ‘super powers’.

Most of the time, children don't even ask or notice his cochlear implants. The first thing they see is Kenzie's big welcoming smile and his friendly and bubbly personality.

He's doing so well in school, and his school reports always show how he’s a popular member of his class and gets on well with all his classmates.

He truly is an inspiration and makes me so incredibly proud every day with the amazing and confident little boy he’s becoming.


Becky is mum to Mackenzie (5), who is profoundly deaf. Mackenzie was fitted with cochlear implants in January 2020. Becky also blogs about family life, you can find her at @youdontneedtohear on Facebook.