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BSL videos and resources

If you're interested in learning British Sign Language (BSL), we have lots of online resources to support you and your family. 

Family Sign Language videos on YouTube

Our Family Sign Language tutors have created lots of videos covering different topics related to family life. These include vocabulary and conversational skills that parents and children can learn together, at a time and pace that suits them. We've tailored these videos for the following regions:

All of the tutors shown in these videos are deaf BSL users. 

Family Sign Language courses

We run a range of different online courses teaching basic British Sign Language to families of deaf children aged 0 to 5 years.

Watch videos of other families signing

Using sign language during everyday activities is a great way to practise your signing. Watch how other families use BSL at home.

BSL signs for feelings and emotions

Learning to express your feelings is an important stage in developing social and emotional wellbeing. Watch our videos to learn BSL signs for feelings and emotions

BSL signs for religious vocabulary

Religious services and celebrations can be an important part of family life. In our videos, deaf BSL users demonstrate key signs for different religious vocabulary.

Learn to fingerspell

Learning to fingerspell can be a great way to introduce sign language to your family. Download fingerspelling postcards and posters or watch our videos to learn to fingerspell.  

Tell stories in BSL

Books and stories are a great way of developing your child's language and communication skills. Watch our videos for tips on reading books and telling stories in BSL.