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Election agent and campaign manager

I’m an election agent and campaign manager because working in politics is never dull and no two days are the same! I get to meet people from all walks of life and help them to resolve issues.

As election agent, I’m in charge of coordinating and running local government elections. This often means being the first point of contact for lots of people around election time. I’m also campaign manager for an MP, which involves creating literature and graphics, planning leaflet delivery and organising volunteers.

I got to where I am by volunteering in politics. It led to me attending a political event, where I was recommended for a job vacancy and then got the job of election agent.

I’m moderately to severely deaf and use a captioning app called, which is paid for through Access To Work. I also use a deaf-friendly phone with adjustable volume control.

If you have a passion, networking is key – whether that’s through volunteering, social events, job fairs and conferences. As a deaf person, this can be difficult, but networking through social media sites like LinkedIn can also be effective.

Hannah Fisher

Summer 2023 Families magazine