How do I report a thread or comment?
If you see a thread or comment that you find offensive or breaks our community guidelines please report it to the moderator team rather than responding to it yourself. When you report a thread or comment it will be not be visible on your community, pending the moderator’s decision.
To report a thread or comment through your community you must first be logged in. When logged in you will see the “report thread” and “report post” buttons on all comments.
When you click on this button you will be given a text box to provide a reason for reporting and then the options to “submit report” or “cancel report”. When providing a reason please refer to the community guidelines.
After submitting the report you will see this message:
Your report has been received. The comment you have reported will be temporarily removed pending review from our forum moderator
The report will be received by the moderator team to review and they will make a final decision within one working day. In the meantime the comment will not be visible to other members of the community.
If you are not registered or able to login to Your Community but would like to raise a concern about a thread or comment then please contact the moderator team directly.