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Fundraising priorities and eligibility

What are you looking for in an application?  

We’re excited to review your proposals to develop language and communication for deaf children and young people. Language and communication can be spoken language, signed language, reading or writing.  

We’ve chosen six funding priorities that we hope, together with your ideas, will help to transform how deaf children and young people develop language and communication.  

We’ll support projects that aim to do at least one of the following.

  • Increase the overall number of deaf children and families accessing opportunities to develop language and communication in their community setting.   
  • Reach new people, communities and groups previously excluded from opportunities to develop language and communication.  
  • Encourage innovative, high quality approaches to developing the language and communication skills of deaf children and their families.  
  • Encourage partnerships within communities so different groups and sectors work together to provide opportunities to develop language and communication.  
  • Encourage sustainable models that will continue beyond the period of funding.  
  • Projects that lead to positive outcomes for deaf children. This could be directly, or through their families. Examples of positive impact could be improvements in language and communication for deaf children, or increased knowledge or confidence in families supporting this for their child.  

We’ll prioritise projects that contribute to more than one of our priority aims. 

How much can I apply for?  

You can apply for funding from £1,000 to £10,000. 

What if my proposal fits more than one of the six funding priorities? 

That’s great; we welcome applications that fit more than one priority. Please tell us all the funding priorities that fit your funding proposal.  




October 28, 2024