Free information sessions for early years professionals
A series of four live sessions suitable for anyone who works in an early years setting, including nurseries, creches, pre-school and reception classes.
Join our expert, Emma for information and advice to support children with any level of hearing loss, including glue ear.
You are welcome to attend as many sessions as you like.
Date and Time:
Dates: Tuesdays 3, 10, 17 and 24 June 2025
Time: 3.45pm to 5pm
These sessions are free of charge.
What you'll learn
You’ll learn about deaf-specific topics, including learning and development for deaf children, the impact deafness may have on a child in an early years setting, and how to improve childcare provision.
You’ll also find out how you can apply your new skills to support individual children in your setting.
Upcoming sessions
Implement Effective Transition for Deaf Children
Tuesday 3 June 2025, 3.45pm to 5pm
Join us to talk about the importance of a positive, smooth transition for deaf children joining an early years setting.
At the end of the session you’ll be able to:
- explain the stages of transition
- identify key people in transition
- understand the impact deafness has on transition
- understand how to overcome barriers to effective transition
- understand how you can support a deaf child’s transition.
Improve Language and Communication
Tuesday 10 June 2025, 3.45pm to 5pm
We'll explain how deafness can impact language and communication, and how you can remove barriers to learning.
At the end of the session you’ll be able to:
- describe the impact of deafness on language and communication
- identify barriers to language and communication for deaf children
- describe how to overcome barriers to improve learning
- describe how to improve language-learning through phonics, peer-to-peer learning, and reading and writing.
Be Ready for Parents as Partners
Tuesday 17 June 2025, 3.45pm to 5pm
In this session, we'll discuss the emotional impact that bringing up a deaf child can have on parents.
You’ll learn from a guest speaker who’ll share their experiences of raising a deaf child and choosing childcare.
At the end of the session you’ll be able to:
- describe the emotional impact raising a deaf child can have on parents
- describe what parents look for when choosing a childcare setting
- identify how best to support and communicate with parents
- explain how to create a supportive environment for a deaf child.
Promote Social and Emotional Development
Tuesday 24 June 2025, 3.45pm to 5pm
In this session, we’ll look at how early emotional development impacts all areas of learning.
We’ll explore how the early stages of a child’s life can impact their confidence, self-esteem, resilience and friendships later in life.
At the end of the session you’ll be able to:
- identify how deafness can impact personal, social, and emotional development (PSE)
- describe the importance of PSE development in other areas of learning
- describe the barriers to PSE for deaf children and how to overcome them.
Meet your host
Joining our events
These sessions will be online, on Zoom.
You can join on a computer, laptop, phone or tablet. We recommend using a computer or laptop as this makes it easier to join all activities during the sessions.
For more information, watch or download our guide to joining online events.
Communication support
Communication support, including captions or a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters, is available on request when you book your place.
If you have a question about communication support, please email [email protected].