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What is a local group?

Local groups are great places to connect with other families of deaf children in your area, share advice and join in with exciting activities and events.

There are two types of local group – local deaf children’s societies and Parent and Family Network groups.

A local deaf children’s society is a small charity, run by volunteers to support deaf children and young people in their community. Each society is committee-run and largely parent-led.

Local societies provide opportunities for deaf children and their families to meet, socialise, share experiences and support each other.

Each local society is independent and has its own constitution, code of conduct and procedures. However, the National Deaf Children’s Society still offers lots of support.

Find out more about local societies.


Parent and Family Network groups are more informal than societies. They don’t have a committee or official procedures, but they still give families the chance to meet, socialise and support each other. Members often connect over social media, and sometimes meet in person.

Starting a Parent and Family Network group is a good option if your members can’t commit the time and work needed to run an official society.

Find out more about our Parent and Family Network.

Local groups are run independently by volunteers, such as parents and family members.

However, local deaf children’s societies are affiliated with the National Deaf Children’s Society. This means groups can make their own decisions, but we offer lots of advice and support, including insurance for events, use of our logo and access to a network of UK-wide local groups.

Parent and Family Network groups are not formally affiliated with the National Deaf Children’s Society, but we’re still happy to give advice and promote groups on our website.