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  • Connect with others through events, workshops, campaigns and our NEW online forum, Your Community
  • Discover information and insights in our resource hub and receive the latest updates via email
  • Access one-to-one support and tailored services which help reduce barriers for deaf children
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Connecting families

From sharing tips, exchanging advice or being a support network to one another, connecting with others going through similar experiences can be invaluable. We know from hearing from parents, carers, children and young people over the years, that connecting with other families can be so useful on the journey of childhood deafness.

Our ‘Connecting Families’ team works to ensure we can provide opportunities for you to connect with other families with deaf children and young people, however you want to. Be it online, by accessing Your Community or social media channels, or meeting up and joining in with your local deaf children’s society. 

You can also join our free online events to get advice from our friendly experts and meet other families of deaf children.

Different ways you can connect with other families

Meet one of our local deaf children's societies