Other resources on post-14 support and preparing for adulthood
Find out about other resources developed by the Government or other organisations for education, health and social care professionals who work to support deaf young people in moving into adulthood.
Please note that inclusion of these other education resources should not be taken to imply endorsement. Email us at [email protected] if you think there are other helpful resources we can include.
Government resources
Government websites have information about funding and services for disabled young people:
- Help and support for young disabled people to find and stay in work
- Information on disabled student allowances for students in higher education in
- Personal Independence Payment (replacement for Disability Living Allowance)
National Sensory Impairment Partnership (NatSIP) (England)
NatSIP is a partnership of organisations working together to improve outcomes for children and young people with sensory impairment. Their website provides access to a wide range of resources developed by NatSIP, including:
- Briefings on post-16 education and apprenticeship funding
- Think Right, Feel Good - a programme to develop emotional resilience with young people with sensory impairment
- Effective practice in transition and provision for young people aged 16-25 with sensory impairment.
Preparing for Adulthood (England)
Preparing for Adulthood is a programme delivered by the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) and the Council for Disabled Children. It aims to provide advice, training and support best practice in preparing disabled young people as they move into adulthood.
Preparing for Adulthood resources on the NDTi website
NICE guidance: Transition from children’s to adults’ services for young people using health or social care services (England)
This guideline covers the period before, during and after a young person moves from children's to adults' services. It aims to help young people and their carers have a better experience of transition by improving the way it’s planned and carried out. It covers both health and social care. The Care Quality Commission uses NICE guidelines as evidence to inform the inspection process.
Transition from children’s to adults’ services for young people using health or social care services
Resources on the Care Act: Transition from childhood to adulthood (England)
The Social Care Institute for Excellence have produced a range of resources on the Care Act to help local authority staff, social workers, young people and carers to plan for the transition to adult care services.
Resources on the Care Act: Transition from childhood to adulthood
Principles of Good Transitions (Scotland)
The Principles of Good Transitions 3 provides a framework to inform, structure and encourage the continual improvement of support for young people with additional needs between the ages of 14 and 25 who are making the transition to young adult life.
Principles of Good Transitions
Special educational needs transition from school to further learning (Wales) (2016)
A Welsh Government report outlining information on current transition arrangements for young people moving on from school to further learning.