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Special Needs Assessment Profile (Behaviour) (SNAP-B)

The Special Needs Assessment Profile (Behaviour) (SNAP-B) is an online diagnostic assessment that profiles 17 Social and Emotional Behaviour Difficulties which, without identification, may limit a pupil's potential to learn.

It includes three online questionnaires to assess social, emotional and behavioural factors that may be affecting a child or young person: a 'pupil assessment' questionnaire; an 'at home' questionnaire; and a 'what I feel' questionnaire. It also includes eight diagnostic probes which provide additional quantitative evidence about the pupil and their abilities. The SNAP-B can generate reports and suggest strategies involving both home and school. It can be used to reassess pupils and track pupil progress in one report to monitor the impact of interventions.

SNAP-B covers the following areas:

What can it tell us?

Scores provided by SNAP-B can be matched to an overall matrix of social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. These scores can be compared with those of hearing peers of the same age. The report can include details about specific areas of need, chosen interventions, suggested classroom strategies, suggested websites and further reading.


  • Allows practitioners to monitor the student’s progress over time.
  • Information from home, school, parents, teachers and the student themselves is involved in the assessment.
  • Help sheets and strategies provided.
  • For both peripatetic and in-school use.
  • Includes optional self-esteem assessment.


  • Online version only available through yearly subscription.

Is there a cost?


Where can I access it?

Hodder Education website