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Sutter Eyberg Student Behaviour Inventory, Revised (SESBI-R)

The Sutter Eyberg Student Behaviour Inventory, Revised (SESBI-R) is a measure designed to assess the behaviour of children and teenagers in school as reported by teachers.

Age range

2–16 years, 11 months

Who can use it?

Practitioners must have a four-year degree n psychology, counselling, speech-language pathology, or a closely related field from an accredited college or university. Practitioners should also have competed coursework in test interpretation, psychometrics and measurement theory.

How is it used?

Descriptions are given for behaviours and teachers are asked to assess the child on a seven-point scale (one being never to seven being always) for the intensity score, and indicate if the behaviour is a problem or not (yes or no) for the problem score. The test takes 5–10 minutes.  

What can it tell us?

The SESBI-R provides raw scores and T scores. T scores indicate how far individuals’ scores are from the mean of 50 (standard deviation of 10).


  • Is well standardised.
  • Short duration.
  • English and Spanish versions available.
  • Supplemental information on adult-child interaction is available.


  • None identified.

Is there a cost?


Where can I access it?  

Now sold in the same pack as the Eyberg Child Behaviour Inventory (ECBI).