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Boehm Test of Basic Concepts, Third Edition (Boehm–3)

The Boehm Test of Basic Concepts is a standardised assessment used to measure basic relational concepts such as time, space and amount. It provides an assessment to identify children’s understanding of relational concepts and verbal instructions necessary for early school achievement.

Age range

5–7 years

Who can use it?

Any relevant professional.

How is it used?

Participants are asked to carry out picture tasks which involve relational concepts. For individual and group assessment. Test lasts 30–45 minutes.

What can it tell us?

The progress of the child as a result of teaching or intervention. Provides performance range and percentiles. This means that the child’s score can be compared with that of hearing children of their age and grade.


  • Is well standardised.
  • Assessment can be administered to a group.
  • Concepts can be tested twice to determine understanding.


  • Very limited age range.
  • Based on data from the USA so care should be taken with UK comparisons.

Is there a cost?


Where can I access it?

Pearson Clinical website