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Access Maths Test (AMT)

The Access Maths Test (AMT) is a standardised assessment for students aged 11-16 years, linked to the English curriculum. It can be used as a screening test to baseline students transitioning from primary to secondary education. 

Age range

11-16 years

Who can use it?


How is it used?

The AMT can be used to assess progress in reading at regular intervals using two sets of parallel forms designed for repeat testing. The assessment is available in paper and digital formats, and comes with free online reporting for both, allowing users to analyse results in an accessible format. Test 1 contains 60 questions and Test 2 contains 45 questions. Both tests cover numbers, operations, algebra (Test 2 only), fractions, geometry, measures and statistics in line with the National Curriculum for Maths.

What can it tell us?

The AMT can identify specific areas that may be limiting a student's overall success, and used to plan relevant and targeted intervention strategies to boost or stretch skills. ​Users can analyse performance and spot gaps in learning via free reporting tool My Access and Reporting Kit (MARK). 


  • Is well standardised
  • Can function for individual assessment and as a group screening instrument.
  • Parallel forms available.
  • Can be administered with paper and pencil or digitally using online scoring.
  • Reporting available via free reporting tool MARK.


  • Can be expensive for a small number of children
  • Is often used as Year 7 screening tool by mainstream schools so pupils may have taken it in their mainstream class.

Is there a cost?


Where can I access it?

Rising Stars - Access Mathematics Test