Manchester Junior Word list
This test consists of eight word lists and each list contains 10 words.
Age range
Children over 6 years
Who can use it?
Any appropriate professional, using the manual.
How is it used?
The child should repeat the word exactly as they hear it. If they’re not sure of the word they should guess it, and if only part of a word is heard, then they should say that part. Present all the words in the list at the same sound level. Make a note of the result of each presentation on the results sheet. The test can be conducted aided and/or unaided. Use a different word list for each test.
What does it give us?
Scoring: One point is assigned to each word correctly identified, and the score is expressed as percentage out of 100.
- Useful as a practical speech discrimination test by teachers.
- It can be used on the Parrot automated speech systems.
- The child may not know the vocabulary used
- Should be carried out in good acoustic conditions.
Is there a cost?
The paper version is free but you will need to pay for the Parrot or Parrotplus versions.
Where can I access it?
You can find the assessment on the Soundbyte Solutions website.