Bamford-Kowal-Bench (BKB) Sentence Test
The BKB sentence test is a sentence test widely used in audiology. It can be delivered verbally or by recorded voice. It’s widely used to identify how much the child is receiving by audition alone, and how much they rely on lip-reading. The vocabulary used in the tests when it was developed some time ago was chosen to suit that of partially hearing children aged eight and above. The test can also be used with adults and hearing children from the age of five.
Each list has 50 key words to be scored. It consists of 21 lists of 16 sentences. Various testing conditions can be used.
The test is scored by asking the child to repeat the spoken sentence and identify the correctly spoken target words. The final score is the number of correctly identified words from the list of 50 expressed as a percentage.
The test was made available on CD in 2014. The recordings are of both male and female speakers and can be used with background noise.
Age range
Can be used with anyone who has the language used in the sentences; at least five years and over.
Who can use it?
Professionals working with deaf children.
- Widely used in research protocols, and therefore there’s a lot of data available.
- Easy to use.
- Easy to vary the testing conditions to obtain data specifically useful for the individual child (e.g. with and without radio aids).
- One of the tests can now be used in the ParrotPlus and ParrotPlus2 Automated Speech assessment system.
- Available as a CD and DVD.
- Percentage scores easily understood by non-professionals.
The child needs the level of language contained in the sentences.
Is there a cost?
Where can I access it?
You can find the assessment on the Soundbyte Solutions website.