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Prawf Geirfa Cymraeg

This is the first standardised receptive vocabulary test normed specifically on Welsh-speaking children. The norms provided represent the best description of the normal vocabulary abilities expected of children learning Welsh at different ages and from different language backgrounds.

Age range

Version 1: 7–11 years

Version 2: 11–15 years

Who can use it?

Teachers and other education professionals with good knowledge of Welsh.

How is it used?

The test is available in two versions.

  • Book version: Like a traditional standardised test of receptive vocabulary. It can be used to test children individually. Includes 50 marking sheets for individual testing.
  • Individual Computerised Version: Administered individually to a child via a computer. The child's scores are calculated automatically by the computer.


  • Only available test for Welsh-speaking children.
  • Well standardised, so it can be used to compare progress, use percentiles, etc.


  • Not widely publicised.

Is there a cost?


Where can I access it?

You can access this assessment on the PGC website.