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Teddy Talk Test

This test is a speech and language assessment for children.

The Teddy Talk Test is quick to complete, taking about 10 minutes. It can be used to check whether or not an English speaking child of five years old or under is on track with their speech and language development.

It helps early years professionals decide whether to refer a child for speech and language therapy. It links to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum in England and is helpful when completing the EYFS progress check at age 2, as well as the EYFS profile at 5.

Age range

18 months to 5 years

Who can use it?

Any care-giving adult or early years professional interested in monitoring children’s communication skills.

What does it consist of?

The Teddy Talk Test consists of a wipe clean drawstring bag, a 36-page instruction booklet, eight objects, six action pictures and six 'Talk-about' pictures chosen to be familiar and interesting enough to engage young children. It includes a photocopiable record form and summary sheet. 

The summary sheet enables a profile of the child's skills to be created with regards to four main areas: 

  • play and social skills,
  • understanding of spoken language,
  • talking and communication 
  • speech sound development.


  • Simple and quick to use. It can be used to gain a quick indication of a child’s level of understanding and often, in addition, to collect a useful expressive language sample. It is highly portable with simple items and pictures.


  • Not standardised.

Is there a cost?


Where can I access it?

You can find the Teddy Talk Test on the Teddy Talk Test website.