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Primrose gets her cochlear implants

Published Date: 19 Dec 2019

For those who read my Preschool Primrose blog, you might remember her loving it? Unfortunately as soon as the blog went out, she started hating it. Nadine had to be called every time thereafter to take Primrose home early...

There was a solution!                              

We changed three hours a day, twice a week to one and a half hours a day, four days a week. It immediately worked and we are building back up to normal times as we speak. Result!

There's a been a lot going on, on top of that three days have now passed since Primrose had surgery to fit the internal bits of her cochlear implant. Three nights have passed since Primrose didn’t cry the night away in discomfort. Three days have passed since me and Nadine last slept properly. Three days have passed since we last went the night without snapping at one another…

It’s been three nights since the wait by our daughter's bedside at the hospital. Mum administering high doses of cuddles to soothe an upset, thirsty, confused and groggy Primrose. Dad fidgeting and chain smoking his way through the emotions of being on a baby high dependency unit (HDU).    

At this stage Primrose filled the time sleeping. Largely the painkillers and anaesthetics had Primrose under a dreamy spell. There was some throwing up, which is to be expected and a few - barely worth the tissue - nosebleeds. Nothing to worry about we discovered, just a possible part of the process.

For many of you out there, you will not have to experience an overnight stay post-op. But Primrose has a rare genetic condition called Jervell Lange-Nielsen so they like to keep her in for observation.

In, op, recovery, eat, home is the more likely procedure.

Easy part over. Now comes one of those periods where time seems to have the ability to stretch and shrink. The torture of not being able to even explain what is happening to the, why there is pain, that it is all normal and that everything is going to be OK. 

From here on in, we’ve been told a Teacher of the Deaf will handover the new tech next week (eeek!) and then within a month it will be the big switch on (double eeek!). Right before Christmas well! And you know if anyone asked me what the best Christmas present in the world could possibly be, I would tell them, without a shadow of a doubt...

Liverpool to win the Premier League. Joking!

It would be that Primrose gets there just in time with her golden ticket in hand...

To hear the bells of the Polar Express coming by on Christmas Eve.

(Liverpool to win the Premier League is second.) 


Joseph and his partner Nadine are parents to Primrose (3) who is profoundly deaf and wears hearing aids but is waiting for cochlear implantation. You can follow Primrose's journey on Facebook:
and Instagram: @playtimeprimrose.