A real life superhero with magic ears
Published Date: 25 Apr 2024Kenzie truly is a superhero with his wonderfully clever magic ears. I have brought Kenzie up to call his cochlear implants his ‘magic ears’ because that's exactly what they are; they give him his special super hearing power. I have always wanted him to be proud of his deafness and not to hide it or be ashamed.
Kenzie is now on his own little mission to help other deaf families like us who are just starting their journey. Kenzie is there to share his positive experiences and to walk beside them and support them when needed.
His Facebook page and blogs for the National Deaf Children’s Society have helped support so many families and show them that deafness doesn't need to be scary. He shows them just how amazing things can be whilst also sharing some tips and tricks that work for him along the way.
We have been lucky enough to meet newly diagnosed babies in our area and share our journey, and Kenzie is always very excited to meet new friends with magic ears just like him! Last week he was showing a newly diagnosed mummy how he changes the battery on his magic ears and how he puts them on using the magnet. He is so independent.
Kenzie is now five and starting to share his own video blogs on his Facebook page to share how he is doing and what achievements he has made. We hope this will inspire others to see what the future may hold for them in their deaf journey.
Kenzie is also on a mission to change the world and become an eco-warrior. In school, he has been learning all about fair trade and recycling and now often corrects me if I’m not putting something into the correct bin. Last week we even went on a litter picking walk around one of our local towns.
He truly is a role model and an inspiration to others, and he is only five years old. He's so incredibly brave and faces everything with the biggest smile on his face. We must not forget that he does all this whilst also facing his own challenges and barriers. He’s still on his own journey of learning to adapt to things that suit and work for him, but he doesn't let it stand in his way.
I am so incredibly proud of everything he achieves every single day, and it amazes me what he’s able to achieve above and beyond what’s expected. Last week he achieved his 5m badge in swimming, and I could not be more proud. He truly is my real life superhero.