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Joining our local group

Published Date: 26 May 2022

When we moved when Isaac turned one, we knew only family in the area. We had never accessed our local National Deaf Children’s Society group where we used to live as Isaac was so small. We were given details of the Peterborough and District Deaf Children's Society (PDDCS) by our new Teacher of the Deaf, and the added bonus was that they ran a regular toddler group where audiologists attended, and they did mould impressions at the group, saving us a trip to the hospital.

It was here we began to initially make new friends in the local area, a bi-weekly group where the loneliness of being a stay-at-home mum subsided and my boy got the opportunity to play with other children his age. I still had so many questions about Isaac's diagnosis and future. I found the experience of speaking to other parents invaluable in so many ways, but mainly it was reassurance that I craved the most.

Almost six years on and now I am on the committee and plan our meet-ups for the children in the area who are seven and under. When Covid came, meeting up came to an abrupt halt, and both Isaac and I missed the social side of meeting up. We really valued seeing other adults and children wearing aids and cochlear implants, and Isaac would stop and watch people signing to each other in awe.

Finally, things are returning back to normal, and we are beginning to meet up regularly again. In the last year we have done theatre trips, farm visits and soft play madness. The group runs deaf swimming lessons, older group sessions, summer holiday sessions, and they have previously run family sign workshops, Christmas parties and so much more.

In July 2022, PDDCS will celebrate its 50th birthday (a little delayed due to Covid), and I can't wait to see the our little community come together again for the first time in years and have everyone in the same place to celebrate.

If you haven't accessed your local group, do look it up and make contact. It is invaluable to us, and we’re very lucky to have such a wonderful resource on our doorstep.


Emma is mum to Isaac (9), who has a severe hearing loss and wears hearing aids. She also has Ethan (3), who is hearing.