Jack's a goalie with progressive hearing loss
Published Date: 06 Mar 2025Jack was born a hearing child but started to lose his hearing gradually from the age of 6. During this year, his hearing has dropped to a severe to profound loss in both ears due to a sensorineural progressive hearing loss.
It came as quite a shock that a child born with perfect hearing could just lose it. But Jack has embraced his new deaf identity and not let it stop any of his hopes and dreams for the future. If anything, it has inspired new hopes and dreams for him. He has been determinedly learning British Sign Language (BSL), and he has a huge passion for football.
He had just joined a football team last year when his hearing suddenly deteriorated. We worried he would struggle to hear and join in with his team, but with such a supportive team who have gone the extra mile to look out for Jack, his new dream is to now play for England in the men's deaf football team as the goalkeeper. He's determined to never let anything stop him, and we are so proud of him. He hopes to inspire other deaf children to never let your hearing stop you doing what you love.
Jack's football team supports him in lots of ways. They've all been learning some basic BSL, and they learn a new sign every week to help communicate with Jack in matches. But the best thing they have given Jack is something invaluable: some amazing friendships for life. I can't thank his under 8's team enough—Jack would be lost without his football family and community.
Jack looks up to lots of different footballers, but he really looks up to Jamie Clarke, the England men's deaf football captain and hopes to one day be just like him.
Jack has such a lovely outlook on life. He will never let anything stop him from following his dreams and living his best life.