Choosing a school for Ava
Published Date: 13 Mar 2025When it came to choosing a school for Ava, I knew she needed to go to a school for deaf children for many reasons. Ava's language is British Sign Language (BSL), and I needed her to be in an environment where BSL was used so she wouldn't be isolated or language deprived. I wanted her to have the best possible start by going somewhere with staff who are fluent in BSL and are deaf aware.
The world has become more deaf aware, but in my opinion, it still has a long way to go. The bigger picture for me was getting Ava the best education so she would have more opportunities and not be limited.
I was very lucky to get an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) for Ava when she was 2. It was a straightforward process for us, and I'm grateful for that. I had looked into schools and decided which one was best for Ava. I was lucky to have met with one of the teachers and a few teaching assistants from the school through the deaf centres. They were lovely, so my mind was made up.
Having a deaf child as a hearing parent, you feel a mixture of emotions, and it's important to be listened to, no matter how daft it seems. I felt I didn't have all the answers, and I didn't know if what I was doing was right or wrong. I felt guilty because I didn't know BSL fluently and felt like I was failing Ava.
Ava has been attending her school since she was 2, and it is a lovely school with happy children and staff. It's like a family, and it's beautiful. She loves to go and is making excellent progress. Sometimes I feel sorry for the staff because Ava is a strong-willed bossy girl who won't do anything she doesn't want to do. I personally love this about Ava, she will need that feisty spirit in life.