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Celebrating one year of family blogs!

Published Date: 24 Sep 2020

It's our one year family blog anniversary!

If you'd like to become a family blogger, please email [email protected].

To celebrate one year of family blogs we asked some of our bloggers to share with us why they got involved and what they love about writing for us. 

A big thank you to everyone who has written for us over the past year, we've really enjoyed reading each one of the blogs! 

"I first got involved with the family blogs, because I thought it was really great to just exchange tips with other deaf families and just share what we know and share our stories." 


Nicky and her husband Ross are parents to Isabelle (6) and Jack (3). Isabelle is profoundly deaf and wears cochlear implants, and  Jack is severely to profoundly deaf and wears hearing aids. Nicky is severely deaf herself and wears a hearing aid.

"The reason why I wanted to be part of family blogs is because I think it's a great way to promote different stories, useful advice for young deaf children, and families and parents, and just an overall great way to promote people's success as well." 

Phil and Jodie

Phil and Jo are parents to Jodie (18) and Jack (12). Jodie was born profoundly deaf and had a cochlear implant aged 14 months, she's a professional rugby player.

"The reason I wanted to get involved with the family blogs for the National Deaf Children's Society is because I think all of us raising deaf children, we've all got stories to tell. And I hope through writing the blogs, and sharing our experiences and insights that maybe we can support each other and feel that we're in it together." 


Josie and her husband Martin are parents to Maia (14) and Annabel (11). Maia has Treacher Collins Syndrome and wears bone anchored hearing aids (BAHA Attract).

"We take part in family blogs and I love writing for them and I suppose the reason is that I want to share little nuggets of what I've learned along my journey with deafness so that other people can benefit from them. And I love reading everyone else's as well!" 


Sara and her husband James live in Northern Ireland and are parents to Sam (15), Matthew (13), Oliver (11) and Charlotte (9). Charlotte is profoundly Deaf and wears bilateral cochlear implants, communicating with a mix of speech and British Sign Language (BSL). Sara blogs about her experiences on Facebook as 'Deaf Princess' and Twitter @DeafPrincessNI and is leading the 'Sign Language for All' project.

"The reason we decided to become bloggers for the National Deaf Children's Society is because I think it's really important to learn from everyone's experiences, especially when you've got a deaf child and it's new to you. It's great to hear what other people are doing, how other people can help and how other people can support you." 


Maria is nanny to Oliver (10), who became deaf when he was three and wears hearing aids, and Thea (8) and Lara (5).