Meet the Burton family
Spend the day with mum, dad and the girls and watch how they use sign language while they enjoy family time together. Wait for the tips at the end of the videos to learn about good communication skills.
Sign language at playtime using pointing
Playtime is a great time to learn new signs. See how mum uses pointing to keep Rosa's attention and link objects to the sign she is making. Watch the video and try it yourself at home.
Interacting at nappy change time
Even nappy change time is a great chance to practise communication and signing. See how mum talks throughout the nappy change and clearly signs when the activity is finished.
Lunchtime using gestures
See how mum uses signs for the different food and Rosa tells mum what she wants to eat using gestures. Watch the video and try the different examples of gestures you can use in early communication.
Exploring the garden and following your child lead
Improving vocabulary at dinner time
Practising signs at dinner is a great way to improve vocabulary. See how mum signs more slowly so Rosa can understand better. Watch the video and try it yourself at home.
Getting ready for bed and turn taking
See how mum uses the time spent getting ready for bed as an opportunity to encourage communication and practise different signs. Mum stays positive and uses facial expressions to help the conversation along, demonstrating she is eager for the response.