Many deaf people use lip-reading to help them understand spoken English.
When someone is lip-reading, they carefully watch the movement of people's lips, mouth, tongue and face. This can help them understand what the other person is saying.
Lip-reading isn't always useful by itself. The way we say different words and can look very similar, and it can be easy to get mixed up and confused. It can also be hard to lip-read when someone has a strong accent or a big beard.
Most people who lip-read will also be listening or watching the other person sign to help them understand.
How can other people help me to lip-read?
There are lots of things friends and family can do to make lip-reading easier. Why not share this list with them?
- face the person who is lip-reading
- don't turn away when you are talking
- don't cover your mouth or face while you are talking
- keep your beard or moustache neat and trimmed, so it doesn't cover your mouth
- don't eat or chew while you are talking
- try and stay still - don't move around while you speak
- don't try and speak slowly - this can make it more difficult to lip-read.