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Lifestyle giving

Photo: Help us support deaf children and young people by going about your regular activities

Did you know you can give to the National Deaf Children’s Society without actually parting with any cash?

Lifestyle giving involves raising money for us, simply by going about your regular shopping, online searching or leisure activities.

Give as you Live

Whether you’re booking a holiday or buying gifts for loved ones, support our work by doing your usual online shopping.

Simply register for Give as you Live to shop with over 4,000 participating stores, including Amazon, John Lewis and Expedia. Every time you shop, a percentage of every pound you spend will be donated to us without costing you a penny extra – it really is that easy.

Sign up for Give as you Live today.

Payroll giving

Find out how payroll giving can make a difference

Payroll giving is a simple, easy way for employees to donate to any UK registered charity of their choice directly from their salary or occupational pension, before tax.

Making a donation through payroll giving costs less because it's tax-free. A monthly gift of £10 could cost as little as £6. While it costs the donor less, we receive your gift with the tax included, courtesy of the tax man.

Email to start payroll giving today.

Recycling for good causes

Raise cash for us without spending a penny of your own money.

We work with an organisation called Recycling for Good Causes that collects and recycles old, unwanted items you might have lying around unloved at home.

It will take old watches, foreign or UK banknotes of any age (not coins) and gold, silver or costume jewellery (even if damaged).

You can just drop an envelope with these items in it into a post box. Postage costs you nothing – just download your Freepost label  (PDF), attach and send.

Make sure to include a note saying that you want to support the National Deaf Children’s Society with your donation.

Then have a dig around in your bedroom drawers and rummage down the back of the sofa. If you find anything that you no longer want, post it to Recycling for Good Causes and help us to support even more deaf children and their families.

eBay for charity

This is another simple way to support deaf children and their families – sell your unwanted clutter on eBay and choose to donate a percentage of your sales to us.

You can donate anything from 10% to 100% from the sale of your items – simply sign in using your eBay account and search for the National Deaf Children’s Society on the ‘eBay for charity’ pages.