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Teachers of the Deaf experiences - next steps

Our Teachers of the Deaf survey has now closed. Thank you to everyone who took part in it. 

The volume and depth of responses have provided invaluable insights into the experiences of deaf children and young people, their families, and the professionals who support them.

Your responses have highlighted the challenges, successes, and crucial role that Teachers of the Deaf play in making sure deaf children and young people get the support they need.

What’s next?

We’re now analysing your responses to understand more about the impact Teachers of the Deaf have on deaf children and their families. These findings will help shape our next steps for this project. We’ll keep you updated.

What is a Teacher of the Deaf?

Teachers of the Deaf are a lifeline for many families. They are trained and qualified to provide specialist support to deaf children of all ages. They play a vital role in deaf children’s lives, particularly during the critical early years - helping them to thrive socially and developmentally.

Teachers of the Deaf support deaf children from birth, offering advice and support to families in the home during the early years, before supporting them through school and beyond. They play a crucial role in providing tailored education, helping deaf children achieve their fullest potential.

How can I get a Teacher of the Deaf for my deaf child?

See the links below for more information about Teachers of the Deaf in your nation.