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British Sign Language GCSE subject content announced - 21 December 2023

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On 21 December the Department for Education published the finalised British Sign Language (BSL) GCSE subject content, along with the Government’s response to the public consultation. 

What does this mean?

After more than a decade of campaigning for a BSL GCSE, we now have a written course!

Chief Executive of the National Deaf Children’s Society, Susan Daniels OBE, said:

“After more than a decade of campaigning for a GCSE in BSL, we’re delighted we now have the finalised course content published.

“A GCSE in BSL is vital as it will break down barriers and celebrate the rich culture and history of BSL. An incredible amount of work has been undertaken to get to this point, not least from deaf young campaigner Daniel Jillings, who fought so hard for the right to study a GCSE in BSL.”

There’s still more to do…

The next step is for the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) to hold a short second public consultation, which is expected to be released in early 2024.

Following the second public consultation by Ofqual in 2024, awarding organisations will then be able to begin creating a GCSE in BSL against the guidelines provided. This will need to be accredited by Ofqual before the course can be offered to schools.

By September 2025, students across England should be able to study for a BSL GCSE. However, to reach this goal, we need to see continued rapid progress towards the GCSE being introduced, backed by the Government. The work is not quite finished…

Thank you!

Thank you again to everyone who has shown their support throughout the years and responded to the consultation. There are incredibly high levels of support for a BSL GCSE among both deaf and hearing students, as well as from their parents and teachers.