Campaigns - Wales
We want to make sure there is a powerful voice for change, demanding a fair deal for deaf children in Wales.
Our vision is to create a world without barriers for every deaf child - but we need your help.
Made-for-Wales British Sign Language (BSL) GCSE>
Read our response to the Welsh Government's decision to suspend work on the made-for-Wales British Sign Language (BSL) GCSE.
Update on the parent-led petition for more Teachers of the Deaf >
Thank you for supporting Ros Hannam's parent-led petition urging the Welsh Government to invest in specialist qualified Teachers of the Deaf (ToDs), and find out what's happening next with this campaign.
Get in touch
If you would like more information or have any concerns about the changes, please get in touch at [email protected].
You can also contact our Helpline for support and advice on your child's support plan.