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Gift Aid

Photo: Register for gift aid to support deaf children

Gift Aid makes your contributions go further for deaf children!  Each year we can claim more than £3 million from the government through Gift Aid, enabling us to reach out to many more deaf children all over the UK.

To sign up, download and complete our Gift Aid Declaration PDF and return it to us by post or fax. Alternatively, you can contact our Supporter Care team or call 0800 138 6585 and we can set up Gift Aid on your contributions quickly and simply.


Supporter Care team
National Deaf Children's Society
5th Floor
167-169 Great Portland Street

Each year that you ask us to claim Gift Aid, you must pay at least as much tax as the amount of Gift Aid we claim. For instance, if you wish to Gift Aid contributions that total £100 in a financial year, you need to have paid at least £25 in tax that year. If your circumstances change, please let us know. If you pay less in tax than we have claimed in Gift Aid on your behalf then you are responsible for paying the difference.

If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid contributions on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.

Gift Aid is one of the easiest ways to make your contribution tax effective.

Here's an example of how your contribution is affected by Gift Aid:

As a basic rate tax in the UK is currently 20%, a contribution of £10 is treated as the amount after tax is deducted from £12.50 (£12.50 minus 20% is £10). With your permission, through the Gift Aid scheme, the National Deaf Children's Society can get the £2.50 back from HM Revenue and Customs, thus giving us an additional 25% on top of the original contribution for basic rate taxpayers at no extra charge to the supporter.

How do I know if I pay UK income or capital gains tax?

You pay these taxes if:

  • Income tax is taken from your wages or salary before you receive your pay
  • You pay tax after filling in a self-assessment form each year
  • You have any taxable savings - in a Building Society, for instance, or a pension plan, or investment income
  • You have paid any capital gains tax, on the sale of a property or some shares, for instance

If any of these applies to you, please complete and return your declaration so we can reclaim the tax on your contributions. Please note, inheritance tax does not count as UK income or capital gains tax.

If you don't pay UK tax you cannot make a Gift Aid declaration.

You may still pay tax on a private pension plan or a savings account, or pay capital gains tax if you sell property or shares. If you do so, please make a Gift Aid declaration.

We can only directly claim back at the basic rate, but please complete and return the declaration anyway.

However, as a higher rate taxpayer, if you declare your contributions on your tax return, you can claim a rebate based on the difference between the higher rate and the basic rate when you fill in your self-assessment form.

From April 2004, the self-assessment form covering returns allows you to nominate a charity to receive any rebate that you are due. HM Revenue and Customs will pass the repayment directly to the charity.

So please consider this a simple way to add even more to your gift to the National Deaf Children's Society. For example, if a higher rate taxpayer makes contributions totalling £100 over a year, on top of the £25 that we claim back directly, you can currently reclaim as much as £25 from HMRC.

Absolutely nothing! It just ensures that if you choose to contribute to us, we can claim an extra 25% back from HMRC.

To simplify matters for both you and us, the declaration wording normally covers present, future and past contributions. We are currently able to claim on any future gifts and all gifts that you have made to the National Deaf Children’s Society in the last four years, as long as you are eligible.

Only the National Deaf Children’s Society and HM Revenue and Customs. We will not share it with anyone else.

Please notify us in writing at:

Supporter Care Team
National Deaf Children's Society
5th Floor
167-169 Great Portland Street

Alternatively, you can contact our Supporter Care team or call 0800 138 6585.