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Supporting deaf young people with careers guidance

Many deaf students believe their career options are limited. They don’t know about the career options available to them, accessible routes into work or their right to support in the workplace. But deaf people can be musicians, doctors and electricians – the list is endless.

So that deaf young people are able to achieve their goals, it’s vital they get the support they need from education professionals like you. 

Download your free toolkit and resources

We've created a free toolkit and resources for careers advisors, teachers and teachers of the deaf to help you support deaf young people plan for a bright future.

What's included?

  • A detailed toolkit containing eight lesson plans that cover a range of topics and discussions suitable for deaf young people aged 13-25
  • A workshop presentation and a range of activity resources to support each lesson
  • A supplementary guide and resources on how to adapt the activities for online delivery
  • Information on where to find more support for deaf-specific career advice.

Download Deaf Works Everywhere toolkit resources