Quality Standards: Early years support for children with a hearing loss 0 to 5 (England)

Quality standards for commissioners set out how health, education and care providers in England should work together to support deaf children to achieve key outcomes by the time they start school. The standards apply to commissioners of the following services.
- Education services such as local authority specialist education support services, special educational needs coordinators (SENCOs), children’s centres, private and voluntary early years settings, and schools.
- Health services such as newborn hearing screening services, paediatric audiology services, health visitors and school nurses.
- Speech and language therapy services commissioned by health bodies and/or local authorities.
- Social care and other family support services.
These quality standards are for services in England. However, it may be of interest to services in other parts of the UK. We have also developed a self-audit tool to support evaluation and review of early years services for deaf children.