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Transforming the lives of deaf children in the world’s poorest communities

Read and download our new report championing deaf children’s rights to family, community, education and independence in developing countries.

“Every child deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential. So often deaf children miss out on education and training, meaning all that talent goes to waste. How can humanity reach its full potential if these children can’t?”

Nearly two thirds of parents, 66 per cent, said a lack of communication is the biggest barrier to deaf children getting a good education.

Forty per cent of children with disabilities in developing countries are still not going to primary school. Fifty-five percent never make it into a secondary school classroom.

“The new Unheard Children report will serve as a vital resource for development specialists, governments, NGOs and global institutions for years to come."

Gordon Brown, UN Special Envoy for Global Education and Former UK Prime Minister

"The certificate in sign language interpreting enables people to work anywhere as we have a real shortage of trained professional interpreters. We want to mainstream sign language so Teachers of the Deaf can work more effectively with our deaf children.”

Dr Mreta, Sign Language Interpreting Course Lecturer, UDSM

As we adjust to life after coronavirus, it is important that deaf children and young people in the world’s poorest communities get the right support to thrive and succeed in life. The pandemic has meant that we have all - individuals and governments - had to make changes in the way we do things.

Let us work together to make this an opportunity to bring transformational change to the lives of deaf children, young people and their families around the world.

Partner with us

Find out more about how to partner with Deaf Child Worldwide or read our blog to see more stories from our partners.

If you would like to discuss how we might collaborate or if you would like to know more about any of our work, please email