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Our blog

Read our collection of success stories to find out how we're helping improve the lives of deaf children and young people.

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A teacher and five small children sat in a circle on the floor

Celebrating a Successful Partnership Bangladesh: Deaf Child Worldwide and CDD

Our partnership with the Centre for Disability in Development (CDD) has made a profound impact on the lives of…

Celebrating a Successful Partnership: CARD’s Work with Deaf Children

Since 2012, Deaf Child Worldwide has been working with the Citizen’s Association for Rural Development (CARD)…
Woman stands at the front of a classroom with a raised hand

Providing Early Years Support in Kenya with the Early Language Profiling Toolkit (ELPT)

At DCW, we utilise our skills, knowledge, and influence to drive systemic change in early intervention for dea…
A classroom with pupils sat on the floor looking at a teacher

Celebrating a Successful Partnership in Uganda: Deaf Child Worldwide and NAPADEC

As Deaf Child Worldwide's support for the National Association for Parents of Deaf Children (NAPADEC) draws to…
A group of four young adults sat on the floor having a discussion

Empowering Deaf Communities: A 17-Year Partnership Between Deaf Child Worldwide and Graham Bell Centre for Deaf (GBCD)

In rural West Bengal, India, a transformation is taking place. For the past 17 years, Graham Bell Centre for t…
Young boy, wearing a blue shirt and sitting on the floor

Case Study: Empowering Durgappa through our partners

Durgappa, is an 11-year-old boy living in Karnataka, India. In recent years Durgappa has made remarkable strid…
A group of children sat in a group and smiling

Transforming Deaf Education: Supporting the futures of deaf children in West Bengal

Supporting the futures of deaf children in West Bengal
Four boys holding hands in the air

Education must be accessible for deaf children

Most deaf children do not receive an adequate education

A mother and son’s journey to literacy

How a mother of a deaf child was supported to learn to read and write herself, and is now an educator and advo…