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Free sign language classes for families of deaf children
Tracy tells us why every family with a deaf child should be able to learn British Sign Language for free

Teacher of the Deaf apprenticeships
Read about our work to support Teacher of the Deaf apprenticeships.

Genetic testing and information
The experiences of families on accessing genetic testing and information

Read our response to the SEND review
Our response to the review of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in England

New plans to improve support for children with SEND in England
The Department for Education in England has launched their review of special educational needs and disabilitie…

Summary of new research on wireless streaming technologies
We commissioned the University of Manchester’s Centre for Audiology and Deafness to carry out this research. T…

Our new Deaf Education Map is finally here!
After weeks of preview content, we're pleased to announce that the new deaf education map is now live.

Introducing the new Deaf Education Map search and take action features
We take a look at the new search and take action features you can expect to see on the forthcoming deaf educat…

Leaving School – what next?
Moving from education to work, and our recommendations for the Government's Health and Disability Green Paper.…
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