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Lesley Lindberg

Vice-Chair Trustee

Lesley was co-opted to our Trustee Board in 2022. She is an investor and the entrepreneur behind Carestockroom, the first online marketplace serving social care in the UK.

Lesley spent the early part of her career in the travel industry working for global airline KLM. She then worked for Hertz Rent a Car, where she led global marketing and innovation.

She worked on several boards as Chief Marketing Officer before setting up a marketing consulting firm, helping executive teams develop digital growth strategies and building the capability to deliver them.

More recently, she was Managing Director of a privately owned business running the retail part of business and the digital agenda.

For five years, Lesley served as a Trustee on the main board of Revitalise, a respite service for disabled people and their carers. She was also Chairman of the Guest Quality Committee, working to create amazing guest experiences, ensure the charity met its safeguarding obligations, and delivered an interesting and exciting volunteer programme.