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Emily Beardshall

Parent Trustee 

Emily lives in Swindon and has two children. Her youngest child has unilateral moderate to severe sensorineural hearing loss and wears a hearing aid.

Emily works in healthcare and has 20 years of experience as an operational and strategic leader. She is skilled in leading large-scale transformations and collaborating with teams to drive improvements within their environment and beyond. She has supported boards and leadership teams in developing and implementing strategies.

As a lead for efficiency, Emily is highly numerate and experienced in prioritising resources and evaluating value for money and effectiveness.

Emily has been a member of her local Swindon & North Wiltshire Deaf Children’s Society since her daughter was born and has been an active committee member for five years, currently serving as Secretary. Last year she led an initiative to provide every school in Swindon with deaf awareness resources.

Emily is passionate about involving children, young people, and families in the development of services and support.