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London mum urges local community to volunteer
As we celebrate Volunteers’ Week, one mum has shared her experiences to encourage others to give back.

Despite newborn screening, deaf children are being failed
The benefits of newborn hearing screening are being lost, as parents report not getting the right support.

Deaf people can't reproduce: Top 10 worst deafness myths
We've compiled a list of the worst things the UK public believes about deafness to mark Deaf Awareness Week.

Teachers must do more for mild and moderately deaf children
Teachers need to do more to help the UK's 20,000 mild and moderately deaf children, the National Deaf Children…

Marathon dad raises over £15,000 for deaf children
A dad from Belfast has raised £15,000 for the National Deaf Children’s Society after running the London Marath…

More people want to learn BSL than French or German
12.7 million Brits would like to learn sign language, according to a new survey.

Charities' tips to keep deaf young people safe online
We've launched new resources to keep deaf young people safe online as part of Safer Internet Day.