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Product review: Damson HeadBones

The Damson HeadBones are Bluetooth headphones so they can easily connect to your smartphone or tablet without wires. Instead of sitting on the ears and producing sound, the HeadBones use bone conduction technology to pass the sound of music by vibrations through the cheekbones. They are suitable for someone with a conductive hearing loss or maybe a child who doesn’t like wearing their hearing aids all the time.

Made by Damson Audio
Ages: 11 to 25

Reviewed by Ann, mum to Daniel (10) who is profoundly deaf.


“Daniel tried the HeadBones at school when the National Deaf Children’s Society Roadshow visited them. He liked them and he enjoyed feeling the vibrations through them and that they could help him experience music that way, so we asked to borrow a pair from the Technology Test Drive loan service.

We liked the Bluetooth connectivity; it was easy to connect and use. Daniel liked the bone conduction vibrations and the rest of the family (hearing) also liked the sound quality as we could use them as well. Another positive for Daniel was having nothing in his ears.

Daniel has no cochleas and no access to sound but these gave him a positive experience of the vibration/rhythm of music. He loved ‘feeling’ the music through these so we have now bought him a pair. The only problem we have is the battery life – Daniel uses them at school sometimes but often the battery dies before he’s finished.”