Community manager and marketing executive
I’m a community manager and marketing executive because helping people to change their lifestyle and behaviour is so special. My job involves working on the Feel Good Hub, a wellbeing community whose purpose is to help members live healthier, happier and hopefully longer lives. I help plan our content, post on social media, review analytics and produce graphics.
I’d never thought about a job in marketing but when I read the job description I thought it would be an incredible opportunity. I’m so happy in my current job – my work colleagues are very accommodating. On calls they have cameras switched on to allow me to lip-read and they repeat anything I don’t catch.
I have a severe bilateral hearing loss. It’s hereditary and has gradually deteriorated. At the moment, I’m waiting for an audiology appointment to change to Bluetooth hearing aids so I can connect them to my work laptop for calls.
My advice is not to give up and to keep trying to find a job that suits you. Above all, your happiness is important and you should never settle for less. If your needs in a job aren’t being met, please speak up.
Sarah Morrison
Summer 2023 Families magazine